Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Do you ever find yourself sitting at your desk at your job thinking about a beach?
You are sitting out on a lawn chair or an out stretched towel way out on some pristine white sand beach
watching the tide pull in and push away, pull in, push away.  You find youself watching the
wet sand change shape as it errodes carefully and smoothly away into the sea.  I guess we should
blame all those Corona commercials for conditioning our brains to long for that restful, warm,
perfect climate where we throw our cell phones out into the blue and watch the waves crash in towards us.
I have recently found myself thinking about Cabo San Lucas' Club Cascadas beach on the Sea of Cortez
side of town.  When I was a boy I used to travel there with my family almost every summer, but I never could seem to just sit there and rest.  I was always doing something or going somewhere, or playing; I could
never just sit and relax.  And now I want nothing more than to go back to that same beach; maybe I'd sip a few cocktails, maybe read a book, you know, just take it easy.  I think that means that in this stage of my life I need to have a nice, calm, and relaxing vacation.  I tell you what, I don't even need to go to a beach; I will take a nice calm river camping trip instead.  I think the stress of the job is finally getting to me. I don't know,
what do you think?

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